Play dungeon
rummy on BGA
Play the digital version with your friends on Board Game Arena and help defeat the monsters!
Play the digital version with your friends on Board Game Arena and help defeat the monsters!

We are a Brazil-based board game studio
We are a Brazil-based board game studio
Focused on Brazilian designers and artists, we are dedicated to crafting unforgettable gaming experiences for players all around the world.
Focused on Brazilian designers and artists, we are dedicated to crafting unforgettable gaming experiences for players all around the world.
Know our games

Dungeon Rummy
Dungeon Rummy
The Misfits must cooperate to rummy their way through a dungeon
The Misfits must cooperate to rummy their way through a dungeon
The Misfits must cooperate to rummy their way through a dungeon

Dragon Cantina
Dragon Cantina
Who will run the best magic restaurant and captivate the Dragon?
Who will run the best magic restaurant and captivate the Dragon?
Who will run the best magic restaurant and captivate the Dragon?

A climbing card game where the tides may turn at any moment
A climbing card game where the tides may turn at any moment
A climbing card game where the tides may turn at any moment

In this trick-tacking game, try to collect quality copper only - if you can figure the quality out
In this trick-tacking game, try to collect quality copper only - if you can figure the quality out
In this trick-tacking game, try to collect quality copper only - if you can figure the quality out

Rats go searching for cheese while they try to avoid the cats in this trick-taking game
Rats go searching for cheese while they try to avoid the cats in this trick-taking game
Rats go searching for cheese while they try to avoid the cats in this trick-taking game

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Send a message using the form or email the address below.